Are you 65 or over and use public transit? Learn about the promotional fares available to you.
Promotional fares for seniors
Learn more about promotional fares for people 65 and over
Resident of the agglomeration of Montréal (Zone A)

Resident of the agglomeration of Montréal (Zone A)

Trips in zone A
Public transit services within the agglomeration of Montréal (Zone A) are free for its residents. Travel for free by bus, metro, train, REM and paratransit for all your trips in Zone A.
Trips outside the Greater Montreal metropolitan area
Travelling outside the agglomeration of Montréal? You are eligible for reduced fare for seniors aged 65 and over.
To qualify for free travel or reduced fare, you must have a valid photo OPUS card and be aged 65 or over.
Find out more about fare offers for people aged 65 and over in the Longueuil and Laval agglomerations
Resident of the agglomeration of Longueuil

Resident of the agglomeration of Longueuil

Trips in the agglomeration on Longueuil
RTL public transit services within the agglomeration of Longueuil (Zone B) are 40% off the regular fare, or free in some municipalities.
Free off-peak local travel – Access 65 OFF PEAK :
- Resident of Longueuil, Brossard, Boucherville, Saint-Lambert: You can use RTL bus and paratransit services for free between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., and from 6:30 p.m. on weekdays, and at any time on weekends and holidays.
Reduced fare (40% off the regular fare) :
- Resident of Saint-Bruno: At all times
- Resident of Longueuil, Brossard, Boucherville, Saint-Lambert: When travelling during peak periods (before 9 a.m. and between 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on weekdays)
Trips outside the agglomeration on Longueuil
Travelling outside the agglomeration of Longueuil? You are eligible for reduced fare for people aged 65 and over.
To qualify for free travel or reduced fare, you must have a valid photo OPUS card and be aged 65 and over.
Resident of Laval

Resident of Laval

Trips in Laval
STL bus and paratransit services within Laval (Zone B) are free for those aged 65 and over. Travelling by metro is not free—you will need to buy an All Modes AB ticket.
Trips outside Laval
Travelling outside Laval? You are eligible for reduced fare for seniors aged 65 and over.
To qualify for free travel or reduced fare, you must have a valid photo OPUS card and be aged 65 and over.
Find out more about fare offers for people aged 65 and over in the southern and northern suburbs
Resident of the northern or southern suburbs

Resident of the northern or southern suburbs

Trips in the southern and northern suburbs
Public transit services in northern or southern suburbs (Zone C) are 40% off the regular fare, or free in some municipalities.
Free local travel at all times:
- Resident of the Terrebonne-Mascouche sector: You can use bus and paratransit services operated by exo for free on local trips in the Terrebonne-Mascouche sector.
- Resident of MRC L’Assomption: You can use bus and paratransit services operated by exo for free on local trips in the L’Assomption sector.
- Resident of Saint-Jérôme: You can use bus services running in and between zones A, B and C, and paratransit services for free in Saint-Jérôme.
- Resident of Contrecoeur: You can use bus services running in and between zones A, B and C, and paratransit services for free in the southern suburbs.
Additional discount:
- Laurentides sector – Passe-Atout: You can use exo Laurentides bus services.
Trips outside the suburbs
Travelling outside the northern and southern suburbs? You are eligible for reduced fare for people aged 65 and over.
To qualify for free travel or reduced fare, you must have a valid photo OPUS card and be aged 65 and over.
Find out more about fare offers for people aged 65 and over outside the ARTM limit
Resident outside the ARTM limit

Resident outside the ARTM limit

Trips outside the ARTM limit
Public transit services outside the ARTM limit (Zone D) are 40% off the regular fare.*
*L’Épiphanie residents can use bus and paratransit services operated by exo for free on local trips in the L’Assomption sector.
To qualify for free travel (L’Épiphanie residents) or reduced fare, you must hold a valid photo OPUS card and be aged 65 or over.
Good to know – Information on the photo OPUS card
- Validity period: The OPUS card for people aged 65 and over is valid for 7 years.
- Card cost: The OPUS card for people aged 65 and over costs $15.
How to get it:
- Fill out this form
- Visit a point of sale and service: Find a point of sale
To get your photo OPUS card and add free travel, bring proof of residence (tax statement, electricity bill, etc.) issued within the last year, and a piece of photo ID (health insurance card, driver’s licence, passport, etc.).