Many ARTM park-and-ride lots are free, but some of them have paid options. By offering a monthly subscription or pay-by-day rate, these parking lots make it easier for you to find a spot during peak traffic hours, or even guarantee one.
Maps of parking lots
Find the nearest park-and-ride lot with paid options on the following map.
If you have difficulty viewing this map in your browser, open it in full-screen mode on Google Maps.
Rates and reserved parking
For a monthly subscription
Since the parking spaces available for subscription are limited, you may be added to a waiting list.
Park-and-ride lots
Spaces available for subscription
Monthly rate
For daily access
Spaces are available on a first come, first serve basis.
Park-and-ride lots
Available spaces
Daily rate
(indoor parking)
** Parking at Mansfield terminus is only accessible during the weekend.