Two fare types cover most paratransit trips: All Modes fares and Bus fares. Refer to the current fare schedule to see all fares available.
Select your fare
Based on your trip
Your fare must be valid in the zone you are departing from, the zones you will travel through and the zone you will arrive in. Not sure which zones you’ll be travelling through? Find out more about zones A, B, C and D.
Based on your mode of transportation
Choose the fare that gives you access to the paratransit and regular network services you use (metro, train, bus or REM).
Fare selector
* The age 6-11 fare applies to children traveling alone. These children can travel for free on public transit if they are accompanied . Conditions apply.
This tool presents transit fares for a trip between selected municipalities. Other transit fares may be suitable under certain conditions.
Please remember that this is not a trip planner.
Fare schedule
An accessible version of the fare schedule is available upon request. Please send your request to
All Modes

All Modes fares allow you to travel on paratransit vehicles and by metro, train, bus and REM. You may choose between All Modes A, AB, ABC and ABCD fares.

Bus fares allow you to travel on paratransit vehicles and on some buses in the regular network. You may choose between the Bus fare and the Out-of-Territory Bus fare.

Free at all times for children
Children aged 11 and under can travel anywhere for free at all times on paratransit or by bus, train and metro while under the supervision of a person aged 14 and up.
This person must have a valid transit pass and may not accompany more than five children aged 6 to 11.*
Frequently asked questions
Compare fares and choose the one that meets your travelling needs
1 trip (magnetic card or paper pass)
Cash on board
Your trip frequency
Approximately 30 times per month or more
You need it... make an unlimited number of hassle-free trips during the month.
... to travel in a flexible manner without having to carry change.
... to travel in a flexible manner when you have the required change.
Valid on paratransit
Valid on regular transit (depending on the fare: metro, bus, train or REM)
(other than All modes A)
Reduced fare for children aged 6 to 17 or seniors aged 65 and up
Reduced fare for students aged 18 and up
Unlimited number of trips
Subscription available
Possibility of purchasing in advance
As of the 20th day of the previous month
Fare expiry date (before activation)
The last day of the month for which it is valid
Not applicable
Points of sale
There are more than a hundred points of sale in Greater Montréal. Inquire about passes before travelling, as some are not available everywhere.
Use our points of sale locator to find a point of sale near you.
Consult the Contact us page to contact your transit agency’s customer service department.
See also

Find out more about the fare reform